Feline better and in the loop (2020)


During this webinar, Emily Dutton will talk about treatment of preclinical heart disease in cats and treatment of heart failure in dogs. Emily will discuss the basic but vitally important clinical examination when assessing small animal patients. The usefulness of cardiac biomarkers and the evidence that cardiologists base their treatment decisions on will be analysed. Emily will journey you through case examples that have been presented to her and problems that have been overcome to treat the patient.


Dr. Emily Dutton BVM&S DVC MRCVS RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology

Dr Emily Dutton BVM&S DVC MRCVS (RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology) is Director of  Cheshire Cardiology, offering a peripatetic specialist cardiology referral service for veterinary practices throughout the North West. Emily was awarded the Diploma in Veterinary Cardiology in 2014, shortly followed by RCVS Specialist Status in Veterinary Cardiology. Emily was appointed Secretary of the Veterinary Cardiovascular Society in 2015 and has been heavily involved in CPD training for vets. She has contributed to international clinical trials and has written a number of articles for professional and peer-reviewed journals. Her interests include brain-heart interactions, syncope, echocardiography and cardiac biomarkers. She is currently actively researching echocardiographic reference intervals, ambulatory ECG recordings and dilated cardiomyopathy in deerhounds.