Monitoring trilostane treatment in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism (2022)


Trilostane is an effective treatment option for controlling the clinical signs associated with hypercortisolemia in dogs. Given the potential for adverse effects, monitoring of dogs on trilostane treatment is required to ensure adequate control of the signs, but more importantly to prevent oversuppression of adrenocortical function. How best to monitor dogs on trilostane is an area of ongoing research and debate, and multiple different methods have been described and are used in practice. These include ACTH stimulation testing, measuring pre-pill cortisol, monitoring routine biochemical changes, and even measurement of acute-phase proteins. An understanding of the pharmacology of trilostane is required, along with knowing the limitations of each monitoring option, to ensure you get the optimal outcome when treating dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. 


Darren Kelly


Internal Medicine Specialist
Vet Specialists Online

Darren graduated from University College Dublin in 2015. During his degree, he developed a strong interest in internal medicine and emergency and critical care. Having completed a 1-year rotating internship, Darren decided to pursue specialisation in internal medicine and undertook a3-year residency at a private referral hospital in the south of England. Darren completed his internal medicine residency in 2019 and currently works as an internal medicine specialist in a private referral centre. While interested in all aspects of small animal medicine, his particular interests include haematology, endocrinology, immune-mediated diseases and interventional medicine. 

Vet Specialists Online was created with the aim of making affordable, independent, expert advice and consultations readily accessible to all pet owners in the UK. Working alongside local veterinary practice to ensure the pet gets the best outcome possible. 

Lizzie Barnard

Head of Marketing – Bova Group

Lizzie has over 10 years experience within the veterinary pharmaceutical industry in product management and marketing roles. Mainly in equine and small animal species. Before this Lizzie had a career in the horse racing industry working as a head girl for prolific trainers.

Lizzie is developing the Bova brand to ensure that the company is represented in a consistent manner across the veterinary industry.