Caring for a cat with hypertension
Systemic hypertension is the medical term for a persistent increase in blood pressure that is damaging to the body. Hypertension is most commonly seen in older cats and especially in those known to have certain medical conditions which cause an increased risk of high blood pressure. Chronic kidney disease is currently thought to be the most important cause of high blood pressure in older cats. Unfortunately, as with people, hypertension is often a “silent killer” so clinical signs of this condition may be completely absent until the condition is very advanced. Clinical signs that can be seen include bleeding in the eyes which can cause sudden blindness and neurological signs which may mimic a stroke. Most clinics are now aware of hypertension as a feline issue and can measure blood pressure in cats which helps to confirm the diagnosis. Medications are available to treat hypertension in cats and these usually work very well to stabilise affected cats.

Sarah M. A. Caney
BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine
Vet Professionals
Sarah Caney is an internationally recognised specialist in feline medicine who has worked as a feline-only vet for more than twenty years. She trained as a specialist at the University of Bristol and is one of twelve recognised specialists in feline medicine working within the UK. Sarah has written or co-written four books published by her business Vet Professionals ( including ‘Caring for an elderly cat’ and ‘Caring for a cat with chronic kidney disease’. Sarah conducts online owner surveys and has published much of her research results in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.