Immunosuppressants: Beyond Glucocorticoids (2019)

Immunosuppressants: Beyond Glucocorticoids (2019) Overview Whilst glucocorticoids are likely to remain the mainstay of immunosuppressive treatment in veterinary patients for years to come, there have been interesting recent studies documenting the success of alternative immunosuppressive agents, either as first-line sole agents, or adjunctive treatments in the management of certain immune-mediated diseases. During this webinar, Anna will discuss evidence for and…

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Immune Drugs (2023)

Immune Drugs (2023) Indications, side effects, and long-term management of immune-mediated disease with immunomodulatory drugs. Overview Being a diagnosis of exclusion, the immune-mediated disease is perhaps one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose in most circumstances. Further to this, it becomes sometimes challenging to navigate the treatment path of these cases. In this talk, we aim to discuss the…

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