Anxiety in cats. What signs do cats show and how to help owners recognise and manage them? (2023)

Anxiety in cats. What signs do cats show and how to help owners recognise and manage them? (2023) Overview This webinar will discuss how you can educate cat owners to recognise that their kitty is anxious and then how to manage the problem.  Recognising a cat’s needs is the first step in helping cats live in their busy environment. Knowing which treatment…

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Update on common behaviour problems in dogs and how to manage them (2023)

Update on common behaviour problems in dogs and how to manage them (2023) Overview This webinar will cover some of the most common behaviour problems presented to veterinarians. It will discuss diagnosis and treatment using the 4 M approach, behaviour modification, environmental management as well as which medications may be helpful and how to monitor progress for best results. Presenters…

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Clonidine – The what, where, when, how and why of using it to help your patients (2020)

Clonidine – The what, where, when, how and why of using it to help your patients (2020) Overview As veterinarians become more familiar with behavioural medicine they reach for medications more for pets with behavioural issues such as anxiety and reactivity. This has meant that clonidine usage has increased. This webinar will cover why clonidine can be useful, how to…

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Feline Behavioural Medicine (2020)

Sarah Heath BVSc, a specialist in Behavioural Medicine, covers the impact of emotional health on feline physical conditions in a webinar. She addresses the importance of a vet’s role in recognizing and treating behavioral issues in cats, discussing environmental needs, and the use of pheromones, nutraceuticals, and medications.

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