Dr David Byrne

MVB MVetClinStud MVetIntMed MANZCVS (Equine medicine) FHEA Diplomate, ACVIM (Large Animal Internal Medicine)

David graduated from the University College, Dublin, Ireland in 2008. After periods in Ireland and the UK, he moved to a racetrack and referral practice in Adelaide in 2010, where he became a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in equine medicine.

In 2017, David completed a three-year residency in equine medicine and surgery at Murdoch University. In 2018 he became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Medicine in large animal internal medicine. After a period in private practice, David returned to Murdoch University in 2019 as a Senior Lecturer in Equine Medicine and is now the Head of Section for equine. David’s particular interests are in cardiology, gastrointestinal medicine and human skills. He is currently undertaking a PhD utilizing electrical impedance tomography, as well as some gastrointestinal disease research.