BOVA Speaker - Alison Stewart

Dr. Alison Stewart


After graduating from the University of Melbourne in 1997, Allison spent 2 years in mixed practice in Gawler, SA, before travelling to the USA to undertake a residency in Large Animal Internal Medicine at the Ohio State University. She completed her Masters of Science and was awarded Diplomate status of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) in 2002.

She then became a faculty member at Auburn University in Alabama and competed a fellowship in Emergency and Critical Care and obtained Diplomate status in 2007. Allison worked as a specialist and taught veterinary students at Auburn University for 12 years, being promoted to professor.

In 2014 she returned to Australia and spent some time in mixed practice, on the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria before commencing an academic position at The University of Queensland and completing her PhD in Sweden.