Bova – Looking forwards

Our sustainability strategy has been put in place to guide us as a company to be innovative whilst keeping the vet, pet and owner at the forefront of our minds when providing veterinary medicines.

Animals, the Planet and People are three key areas where we can have an impact while continuing to strive for our vision.


Our people, are the most important asset to drive growth and create value for our business. Bova’s ambition is to create the best place to work in animal health where you feel safe, where you thrive personally, professionally and as part of a team, you are also supported to uphold high standards of ethics and always do the right thing.

sustainability - people - Nick Bova picture


Our people, are the most important asset to drive growth and create value for our business. Bova’s ambition is to create the best place to work in animal health where you feel safe, where you thrive personally, professionally and as part of a team, you are also supported to uphold high standards of ethics and always do the right thing.

sustainability - animals - A jumping horse


Pets, along with their owners and vets sit at the heart of everything we do at Bova. Each product is carefully developed to help maximise compliance and stress-free administration – ultimately protecting the owner-animal bond and animal welfare.

Protecting wild species is also important to us and influences our charity choices.


We know our planet matters which is why we’ve adopted a number of green choices to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our impact on the environment.

sustainability - Planet - A cat and a dog lying together on the floor


We know our planet matters which is why we’ve adopted a number of green choices to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our impact on the environment.

Charity Partnerships - Nature's Safe

Charity Partnerships

We have partnered with some great charities, that are closely aligned with our values.

Corporate Partnership



Corporate Partnership

We know our planet matters which is why we’ve adopted a number of green choices to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our impact on the environment.