Meet Ziggy

We noticed one day that Ziggy had been off her food for a few days and normally she was so keen for it. She’d also been a little “off” (low energy) and eventually started hiding rather than being her mischievous self so we knew something was up.

We took her to our local vet who diagnosed a pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) and after a battery of tests including for FIV, she was referred to Perth’s specialist Murdoch Vet Hospital and the path of diagnosing FIP via differential diagnosis was started. In the mean-time she was given antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and an appetite stimulant until further diagnosis could be performed.

Ziggy did not show many of the signs of FIP (no signs of organ damage or dysfunction), however due to pack of other explanation and FIP being the most common cause of PUO, it was suspected and a PCR test was performed.

The PCR test showed she was positive for Feline Coronavirus, the precursor to FIP, so we decided to proceed with treatment for FIP.

The turnaround was rapid – within days she was eating again and within a week or two she seemed almost back to her normal self. It is now 3 weeks after completion of her medication and she’s totally back to normal with regards to appetite and energy level.