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Meet Fenyx


A 3-year-old Russian Blue who loves cuddles, harness walks in the garden and his food just a little too much. Fenyx joined our family as a 12-week-old kitten from a reputable breeder, shy at first he quickly made himself at home. His energy levels were crazy with zoomies around the house, up and down the stairs and a passion for shredding curtains and toilet paper rolls. He liked to declutter, so soap dispensers were soon stored in cupboards and the ceramic toilet brush holders were replaced with plastic after one-to-many encounters with his paws. Fenyx decided that decorative vases and ornaments were not required and if anyone left a cup or glass or anything else deemed clutter on the kitchen bench he would swipe it onto the floor. He seemed to enjoy the sound of smashing glass.

Now that his home was clean and tidy he took a liking to our indoor plants and digging became his new favourite activity. The plants were soon moved outside. Overall, he was engaged in typical playful kitten activity. But we also enjoyed some quiet times, he would often curl up on my son’s lap as he played video games and after meals would enjoy stretching out for belly rubs.