Clinical evaluation of two products to hasten ovulation in cyclic mares (2024)
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The aim of this investigation was to compare the effectiveness of Bova Deslorelin and Chorolon to effect ovulation within 48 hrs of administration.
Secondly, the aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of Deslorelin and Chorolon on mares with suspected antibodies to hCG.
This document presents the results of a clinical evaluation comparing the effectiveness of Bova Deslorelin and Chorolon in inducing ovulation in cyclic mares. The study found that Bova Deslorelin was highly effective in inducing ovulation within 48 hours, especially in mares with suspected antibodies to hCG. The document also provides information on the effect of body score and follicle size on the performance of each drug, as well as the average number of days from administration to ovulation.
Dr D R Pascoe BVSc., PhD., FACVSc. Oakey Veterinary Hospital Hamlyn Rd Oakey Q 4401