Treatment of bacterial placentitis (2023)


In this webinar, James Crabtree of Equine Reproductive Services (UK) Limited discusses the use of antimicrobials in the treatment of bacterial placentitis. James will provide a brief overview of the pathophysiology of placentitis and will discuss the use of the prescribing cascade in the face of treating mares during pregnancy,  the discussion will then be focussed specifically onantimicrobials with the choice and dose of antibiotics used and the likely duration of antibiotic therapy. The potential role for local antibiotic therapy will be discussed.


Dr. James R. Crabtree BVM&S CertEM(StudMed) FRCVS

James qualified from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh in 2001. He spent four years in mixed practice before transitioning to equine stud practice, working in both the UK, Australia and New Zealand. He is the director of Equine ReproductiveServices (UK), a busy first-opinion general and referral equine practice based in Yorkshire and holds the RCVS certificate in equine stud medicine, is an advanced practitioner in stud medicine, an honorary lecturer at the University of Liverpool a BEVA council member and a fellow of the RCVS.