Field Solutions for Dystocia Management (2023)

This is a recording from WEVA congress 2023


Complications during birth are not out of the ordinary for horses, with approximately 4-10% of deliveries experiencing difficulties. Such complications can pose a significant threat to both the mare and the foal. Immediate evaluation and action can help mitigate the risk of fatalities associated with dystocia. In the webinar, James delves into the causes of dystocia, client education, initial assessment, and subsequent steps that may or may not be necessary.


Dr. James R. Crabtree BVM&S CertEM(StudMed) FRCVS

James qualified from the Royal (Dick) School ofVeterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh in 2001. He spent four years inmixed practice before transitioning to equine stud practice, working in boththe UK, Australia and New Zealand. He is director of Equine ReproductiveServices (UK), a busy first-opinion general and referral equine practice basedin Yorkshire and holds the RCVS certificate in equine stud medicine, is an RCVSAdvanced Practitioner in stud medicine, an honorary lecturer at the Universityof Liverpool a BEVA council member and a fellow of the RCVS.