Treatment of Equine Gastric Disease (2020)


An international perspective and update on the treatment of gastric disease with presentation of recent and unpublished clinical research.  This webinar is certain to make you think about how you utilise different options in the management of squamous ulcers and glandular gastritis.


Dr. David Rendle BVSc MVM CertEM(IntMed) DipECEIM FRCVS RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

Following graduation from The University of Bristol in 2001, David worked in farm animal and equine practice before completing an internship at Liphook Equine Hospital.  After a three-year Horserace Betting Levy Board residency at The University of Glasgow and Liphook Equine Hospital, David spent a number of years at Liphook Equine Hospital with a break to work in the West country and Australia. He moved to Rainbow Equine Hospital in Yorkshire where he became a director prior to the hospital’s acquisition by the Vet Partners group. In 2019, David returned to his roots and now lives near family on the edge of Exmoor. He works as an independent equine medicine and therapeutics consultant around tending his sheep and is actively involved in clinical research. David has lectured and published on a broad range of topics but has particular interests in gastrointestinal and endocrine and diseases. In 2019, David was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in recognition of his contribution to clinical practice. He is President of the British Equine Veterinary Association and is chair of their health and medicines committee.