Pharmacological management of gastrointestinal tract disease (2020)


Gastrointestinal disease is at the top of the list of common complaints of cats and dogs presenting to veterinary surgeons. Many of these cases can have quite dramatic clinical signs but are not clinically serious requiring time and symptomatic support. A wide variety of gastrointestinal drugs are used, many of which do not have a licence in cats and dogs. This webinar will focus primarily on the evidence base and current recommendations for the use of:

·      Anti-emetics and prokinetics

·      Antacids and gastric protectants

·      Antidiarrheals

·      Appetite stimulantsTheir mode of action and potential side effects will also be discussed so that risks and benefits of their use can be presented allowing owners to make informed decisions particularly when using off-licence medication.More confident use of these medications is a key learning outcome for delegates which might serve as a starting point of developing practice guidelines if these do not already exist or reviewing guidelines that are currently used.


Dr. Kit Sturgess MA, VetMB, PhD, CertVR, DSAM, CertVC, FRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology

Dr Kit Sturgess graduated from Cambridge University in 1986 and then spent six years in general veterinary practice. He has further professional qualifications in imaging, cardiology and internal medicine as well as a PhD awarded for looking at the effects of FIV on mucosal immune function. Kit was awarded his Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2016 for meritorious contribution to clinical practice.

Kit is a Specialist in small animal medicine and an Advanced Practitioner in veterinary cardiology. Kit has been seeing referral small animal medicine cases for the past 25 years both at university-based and private specialist and general practices. Kit’s love of teaching and learning that has led him to develop a new, more flexible role, combining lecturing, writing and clinic time.Kit is the Treasurer of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Council, chair of BSAVA Education committee and on the committee of the Small Animal Medicine Society.

He is a chair of trustees of the Wild heart Trust and a trustee of Cats Protection. He maintains a keen interest in many areas of internal medicine particularly urinary and gastrointestinal tract. Kit has authored numerous articles, two textbooks as well as presenting lectures and research abstracts at conferences worldwide.