Optimising the Health and Welfare of Horses and Ponies with PPID (2021)


The webinar will start with a brief reminder of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of PPID with updates from the 4th Global Endocrine Symposium. Nicola will then discuss the most appropriate diagnosis methods, and question if we should be testing for insulin dysregulation. Treatment and other medical management methods, including diet, will be covered. Nicola will also discuss tips and tricks to maximise the treatment outcomes and the challenges of medicating chronic cases. Monitoring and prognosis of animals with PPID will also be discussed. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, which Nicola will answer as many as possible at the end.


Dr Nicola Jane Menzies-Gow MA VetMB PhD DipECEIM CertEM(IntMed) FHEA FRCVS

Senior Lecturer in Equine Medicine
Royal Veterinary College

Nicola qualified from Cambridge University in 1997 and spent three years working in first opinion equine practice in Essex. In 2000, she joined the Royal Veterinary College as a senior clinical training scholar in equine medicine. In 2005, she gained a PhD in equine endotoxemia and became a Diplomat of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine before being appointed as a lecturer in equine medicine at the RVC. Since then, she has been promoted to senior lecturer and reader. Her research focuses on equine endocrinopathic laminitis and individual animal predisposition to the disease.