EGGD- What’s New? (2019)
During this talk, Dr Michael Hewetson will be discussing what is new with equine glandular gastric disease (EGGD). Michael will be discussing the differences between equine squamous gastric disease (ESGD) compared to EGGD, risk factors, aetiopathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment.

Dr. Michael Hewetson BSc BVSc PhD Dipl ECEIM
Michael graduated from Onderstepoort, South Africa in 1999. He spent a year in private equine practice before completing a residency in equine internal medicine, critical care and anaesthesia at the University of Glasgow. He holds the RCVS Certificate in Equine Internal Medicine and is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons. He currently works as a senior lecturer in equine internal medicine at the Royal Veterinary College and has recently completed a PhD in equine gastroduodenal permeability studies. He has published extensively in the field of equine gastroenterology and co-authored the ECEIM consensus statement on EGUS in 2014.