Update on common behaviour problems in dogs and how to manage them (2023)

Update on common behaviour problems in dogs and how to manage them (2023) Overview This webinar will cover some of the most common behaviour problems presented to veterinarians. It will discuss diagnosis and treatment using the 4 M approach, behaviour modification, environmental management as well as which medications may be helpful and how to monitor progress for best results. Presenters…

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Keratoconjunctivits sicca in the dog: diagnosis, causes and treatment (2019)

[Webinar] During this webinar, James will first describe the components of the canine lacrimal system and preocular tear film. Then, using several case examples, James will cover the main clinical signs associated with acute and chronic tear film deficiencies. The most common causes of canine keratoconjunctivitis sicca will then be discussed. Finally, James will examine the various medical treatment options for the dog with dry eye. 

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EGGD- What’s New? (2019)

[Webinar] During this talk, Dr Michael Hewetson will be discussing what is new with equine glandular gastric disease (EGGD). Michael will be discussing the differences between equine squamous gastric disease (ESGD) compared to EGGD, risk factors, aetiopathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment.

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Updates on treatment of equine gastric disease (2019)

Updates on treatment of equine gastric disease (2019) Overview David will discuss options for the treatment of EGGD and ESGD and review recent published and as yet unpublished clinical research relating to the treatment of both conditions. Presenters Dr. David Rendle BVSc MVM CertEM(IntMed) DipECEIM FRCVS RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine Following graduation from The University of…

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Transdermal medications in cats: what do we really know? (2019)

Transdermal medications in cats: what do we really know? (2019) Overview Medicating cats can be challenging, especially when long-term compliance is needed. Recently, medications have become available in the UK in the form of transdermal ointments or gels. Transdermal gels are often easy for a client to apply and well tolerated by our patients. This webinar will discuss the use…

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Immunosuppressants: Beyond Glucocorticoids (2019)

Immunosuppressants: Beyond Glucocorticoids (2019) Overview Whilst glucocorticoids are likely to remain the mainstay of immunosuppressive treatment in veterinary patients for years to come, there have been interesting recent studies documenting the success of alternative immunosuppressive agents, either as first-line sole agents, or adjunctive treatments in the management of certain immune-mediated diseases. During this webinar, Anna will discuss evidence for and…

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Antimicrobial stewardship – how you can make a difference (2019)

Antimicrobial stewardship – how you can make a difference (2019) Overview Antimicrobial resistance affects us all; without effective drugs, there are no cures. This webinar will help anyone wanting to improve their practice and become an advocate for antimicrobial stewardship. Antimicrobial resistance is a very real threat to modern medical and veterinary healthcare. It is a one-health problem – humans…

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