Immune Drugs (2023)

Indications, side effects, and long-term management of immune-mediated disease with immunomodulatory drugs.


Being a diagnosis of exclusion, the immune-mediated disease is perhaps one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose in most circumstances. Further to this, it becomes sometimes challenging to navigate the treatment path of these cases. In this talk, we aim to discuss the indications of many of our immune drugs along with the side effects of these medications. In particular, we will focus on certain immune-mediated disease processes in dogs and cats and discuss when to add in those additional immunosuppressive medications, and when and how to wean.


Dr. Luke Johnston BVSc (Hons) MANZCVS, FANZCVS (SAM) Registered specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine President of the Small Animal Medicine chapter ANZCVS

Luke Graduated from the University of Queensland in 2015 with honors in a degree of Veterinary Science. With a passion for speciality medicine, he trained here in Australia and overseas in America to secure a residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine which he completed at VSSCarrara in 2020. In 2021 he successfully passed his fellowship examinations in small animal medicine and now enjoys practicing in a busy practice helping animals through complex medical disorders and training interns and residents in case management. Luke’s passion lies in all things medicine but with the purpose to teach, educate and influence others in the veterinary community. He is the current president of the small animal medicine chapter and has been a routine examiner in small animal medicine examinations.