Deep Dive into Quality Assurance at Bova Aus (2021)

Deep Dive into Quality Assurance at Bova Aus (2021) Overview Bova is a company where vets, pets and the pet owner sit at the heart of everything it does. Quality is at the core of every process, producing the highest standard compounded medication. This webinar will talk you through the unique Bova Aus Quality Assurance Program and how this benefits…

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Updates on FIP (2023)

Dr Alex Kennedy discusses Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). FIP has become a hot talking point among feline veterinarians, with new treatments and a better understanding of the disease. Points that will be covered are:

Diagnosing FIP in general practice – the brick-by-brick approach

Revolutionary anti-virals – approach to treatment and monitoring protocols 

Tips and tricks for tricky cases

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Shoeing the laminitic horse and for other pathologies of the foot (2023)

Shoeing the laminitic horse and for other pathologies of the foot (2023) Overview Can we really offload and protect injured structures in the foot? Is there any evidence base for the shoes we recommend? I’ll present the concepts behind the recommended shoes for a variety of common ailments and give my personal experience of each one. Presenters Dr. Andy Fiske-Jackson…

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Management of the Post-partum Mare (2023)

Management of the Post-partum Mare (2023) Overview After the birth of the foal, we are often focused on the neonate, ensuring that it reaches all its milestones in the first 24 hours. In these cases, it is essential to remember that TWO patients are in our care when attending to the neonatal foal. Examination of the broodmare post-partum can often…

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Diagnosis and management of sacroiliac joint region pain (2023)

Diagnosis and management of sacroiliac joint region pain (2023) Overview What are the clinical characteristics of sacroiliac joint region pain? How can you effectively diagnose and treat it? I’ll use case examples, give ultrasound tips, treatment options, and how to construct a rehab plan for this often-diagnosed but poorly understood condition. Presenters Andy Fiske-Jackson BVSc MVetMed FHEA Dipl.ECVS MRCVS Andy…

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Abdominal ultrasound cases (2023)

Abdominal ultrasound cases (2023) Presenters Dr. Alison Stewart BVSc(hons 1), MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, MANZCVS, PhD After graduating from the University of Melbourne in 1997, Allison spent 2 years in mixed practice in Gawler, SA, before travelling to the USA to undertake a residency in Large Animal Internal Medicine at the Ohio State University. She completed her Masters of Science and…

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Treatment of canine soft tissue sarcomas (2023)

Treatment of canine soft tissue sarcomas (2023) Overview Sarcomas are one of the more common tumours diagnosed in our canine patients but often difficult to treat if they cannot be surgically excised. We will discuss treatment options for this tumour type with a particular focus on soft tissue sarcomas and options available for when complete resection just is not possible.…

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Transthoracic and Transabdominal Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Tool in The Clinic Setting (2023)

Transthoracic and Transabdominal Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Tool in The Clinic Setting (2023) Overview This presentation will cover the practical use of transthoracic and transabdominal ultrasound imaging as a diagnostic tool in the clinical setting. This will include normal ultrasonographic appearance and common pathological conditions encountered in the routine clinical practice when implementing transthoracic and transabdominal ultrasound imaging. Topics will…

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