Diagnosis and management of sacroiliac joint region pain (2023)


What are the clinical characteristics of sacroiliac joint region pain? How can you effectively diagnose and treat it? I’ll use case examples, give ultrasound tips, treatment options, and how to construct a rehab plan for this often-diagnosed but poorly understood condition.


BOVA Speaker - Andy Fiske Jackson

Andy Fiske-Jackson BVSc MVetMed FHEA Dipl.ECVS MRCVS

All-Season Care for Horses: Managing Weight and Preventing Laminitis (2024)

Keeping your horse at a healthy weight is essential for preventing laminitis and ensuring their…

Diagnosis, intervention & the spectrum of analgesia in management of laminitis (2023)

A brief discussion of pathophys, diagnosis of laminitis, including determination of the inciting…

Research updates that affect what you do in practice (2024)

Dave will delve into recent advancements in equine medicine that directly impact your day-to-day…
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