Return Policy

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Bova Aus. Refund / Exchange Policy 

Bova Aus will always offer or accept a refund and/or exchange in accordance with Australian Consumer Law. Consumers in Australia have the legal right to obtain a refund from a business for goods purchased if the goods are deemed faulty, not fit for purpose or don’t match the description as described or promised by a Bova Aus representative. 

In accordance with the NSW State Health prescription medicines cannot be returned and re-used once they have been delivered to the customer. It is illegal for a pharmacist to re-dispense medicine that has already been dispensed to another patient.  All medications returned to Bova Aus will be discarded in the return unused medication (RUM) bin for disposal. 

Bova Aus will always request a proof of purchase (receipt) for any of the scenarios below. If this cannot be produced, Bova Aus will not offer a refund, exchange or credit for any medication or services offered. 

Damaged, leaking or defective product.

If the product has arrived to your premises damaged, leaking or defective, you must notify Bova Aus customer support team within 24hrs of receiving the product by phone call or email, outlining the concern, prescription number, patient name, medication details and a description of the condition of the damage or if the medication is defective. Bova Aus may ask for a photo of the damaged product to help with assessing the concern. 

Bova Aus will carefully consider the application for damaged, leaking or defective products and may offer, but not limited to:

  1. Replacement.
  2. Refund the cost of medication.
  3. Credit for the cost of medication.

With any of the above, Bova Aus will require proof of purchase. If the medication is damaged or leaking, Bova Aus will require a picture to show the concerns raised. If a replacement product has been approved by Bova Aus, a new valid prescription will be required to be presented before the medication can be compounded and dispensed. Bova Aus will require written notification that the damaged medication has been disposed of appropriately*. If Bova Aus has been notified of a defective applicator, or medication, Bova Aus will supply a return prepaid parcel/envelope for the defective product. A charge will be incurred for the replacement medication until defective product has been returned and received by Bova Aus. If a replacement medication is offered, Bova Aus will require a new valid prescription to be presented before medication can be compounded and shipped. Once the defective medication has been received and assessed by the Pharmacist In-Charge at Bova Aus, a refund or credit for the cost of the medication or an agreed amount might be offered. 

*Expired or unused compounded medications / damaged medication

Do not discard expired or unused compounded medication in the household bins. Ideally, take it to your local Pharmacy for disposal. Alternatively, you may choose to return expired or unused medication to Bova Aus but cost incurred to return medications to Bova Aus has to be covered by the sender. 

Cancellation, Change of Mind / patient passes away.

Bova Aus only supplies custom made prescription medication (Compounded medicines) to Veterinary clinics and animal owners. We cannot offer a refund of medication if the veterinarian or animal owner changes their mind with regards to treatment or medication form, strength or dose, once it has been compounded and delivered. If the medication has already been compounded but not dispatched, Bova Aus reserves the right to assess the situation and either offer a discount, credit to account or refund, depending on the circumstances.  

Delivery Delays.

Bova Aus utilizes a number of Courier and Australia Post services to ensure medication is delivered in a timely manner to the veterinary clinic and/or animal owners’ home or nominated delivery address. If you are not available to receive the order and have not left instructions to leave the item, the couriers may leave a card giving you instructions on either re-delivery or collection from the carrier. Bova Aus will take all necessary measures to ensure that cold medicines are transported appropriately and delivered within appropriate cold packed conditions. 

Bova Aus reserves the right to assess the situation and either offer a credit to account, refund or replacement where it’s deemed necessary. If a replacement medication is offered and agreed to, Bova Aus will require a new valid prescription to be presented before medication can be compounded and dispensed. 

Adverse Reaction

If a patient is using Bova Aus compounded medication and seems to be suffering from an adverse reaction to the compounded medication, we advise to please contact your treating veterinarian immediately. Once the animal has been assessed and the treating veterinarian has consulted a Bova Aus pharmacist, the Bova Aus Adverse Reaction Form may be required to be completed.

Bova Aus reserves the right to assess the situation and either offer a credit to account, refund or replacement where it is deemed necessary. If a replacement medication is offered and agreed to, Bova Aus will require a new valid prescription to be presented before medication can be compounded and dispensed. 

Expiry Date

Bova Aus endeavors to only supply medication that will be used for treatment within the expiry date of the medication by assessment of the prescribing veterinarians’ directions for administration and Bova Aus Formula beyond use dates. If medication has expired during the course of treatment for the prescribed patient, it is not Bova Aus responsibility to refund, replace or exchange this medication. The responsibility rests with the prescribing veterinarian. Bova Aus will always endeavor to notify the prescribing veterinarian if they have prescribed a treatment and medication that falls outside of normal compounded medication expiry dates. For more information on beyond use dates of Bova Aus products, please refer to our website or email [email protected]

Delayed compounded medication / urgent delivery

Bova Aus offers the largest formulation list of veterinary compounded medication in Australia and as such, cannot always guarantee a specific shipment date for any compounded medication. Bova Aus will always process the prescriptions received by date and time of receipt. For most medications, Bova Aus will attempt to dispense the medication within a 48hr (2 business days) period after receiving a current and valid prescription supplied by the prescribing veterinarian. All efforts will be made by Bova Aus to follow these suggested time frames; however, Bova Aus will not be held responsible for any further delays that might be incurred due to out of stock of any chemicals or materials needed to complete the order, beyond Bova Aus control. 

The above information in the Bova Aus return and exchange policy is to be considered as a guideline when it comes to replacements, exchanges, credits or refunds. All decisions related to replacements, refunds or exchanges is reserved for the Pharmacist In-Charge at Bova Aus. While all consideration of patient safety and health will be considered when a decision needs to be made, Bova Aus will always consider the Australian Consumer Law and Pharmacy Council Guidelines and the health and safety of Bova Aus staff.

Need help?

Click here for the Bova Aus Complaint/Return Form